According to recent research, a cone or Elizabethan collar can significantly reduce a pet’s quality of life. So, it’s not strange seeing your cat depressed wearing cone. This might make you think,” Is my cat depressed with cone” and how to help a cat with a cone
Generally, a cone does a great job of helping the cat recover with little fuss. However, it is restrictive and could plunge your pet into a temporary mood swing. Hence, it’s not uncommon to see your cat eat or drink less, experience prolonged restlessness, or become sicker.
If you are worried about your cat’s depression, read this article to learn seven ways how to calm a cat with a cone to help them recover
Let’s dive right in.
7 Ways to Comfort a Cat Depressed Wearing Cone
Despite the unsightly behaviour change of your cat depressed wearing cone, your pet may still need that E-collar for some progress. Here are the seven things you can do to ensure your little feline friend doesn’t feel hated. Make sure to try a few, if not all of them.
1. Use a Soft and Wide Cone on Your Cat

Having hard, tight plastic collars on your cat is the leading cause of distress and discomfort in a cat wearing a cone. However, if you use a cone made of soft and smooth fabric, the cat could have it easier to eat, drink, and even rest.
Soft fabric collars such as the NUA-CLOX Cat Cone Collar are protective and feature integrated pillows for your cat’s comfortable rest. It’s easy to have them cheered up even when they’re under this restriction, provided there’s enough comfort for the pet,
A wide cone also helps ease the pressure on your cat. You’ll need to measure your cat’s neck and buy or make something that’s correctly sized. It should be a snug fit on the neck to allow minimal movements.
Finding a good cone for your cat is crucial to quick recovery and healing. Keep in mind a cone that’s not obtrusive to impair your animal’s vision and comfort.
Also Read: How Long After Deworming a Cat Are the Worms Gone?
2. Help Your Cat With Grooming and Cleaning
Generally, grooming is a conspicuous feline behavior you won’t miss seeing in cats. Your kitty could spend hours – mostly in breaks – licking its fur and brushing. This is cleaning, and it’s engraved in their DNA.
Experts in the cat field explain that licking is a more powerful tool for cleaning. All cats, including large cats like lions, do that every other time. Their tongue comprises papillae or hooks that act like sandpaper, which is instrumental for combing the fur and coat.
There’s little body movement in a cat wearing a cone. This means any attempts by the cat to lick up its body are hampered. By the end of the day, it’s pure discomfort and distress for that cat.
Cat depressed wearing cone can also be under stress.To reduce this stress, ensure you help your cat to clean up. You can spot-clean it with a wet washcloth and wipe it with a dry cloth. Ensure you don’t touch the points of incisions where the cat got operated on.
Since cats are naturally clean pets, helping them groom is a great show of love.
Find Out: What Does It Mean When Cats Touch Noses?
3. Train Your Cat to Feed and Drink With the Cone
Cats depressed wearing a cone will find feeding, drinking, and even playing exhausting and tedious. That’s why they remain lethargic all the time.
It is also possible that cat freaks out with cone as this is a new sensation for the fur baby to adapt to.
Since this is a new norm, the cat has not adjusted to the cone feel. A little training could help develop new creative instincts – eventually figuring out better ways of navigating the few days or weeks it’s going to be on the E-collar.
During the training, hand-feed the cat. The next day, hold the dish off the ground for the cat to feed – this should be a few inches. With careful handling, the little feline starts to acclimate to this routine while wearing the cone.
Note that some cats won’t be ready for this. Your caution and patience are required if your cat falls into this category. Sometimes you may be forced to reset the cone or remove it entirely at meal times.
However, close supervision is paramount because you don’t want the cat reaching out to the wounds and self-inflict with pain because cat hates cone. In the worst-case scenarios, report to your veterinarian for further help.
4. Give Your Kitty Company and Lots of Affection

In reiteration to point two, don’t forget that this is one of those difficult moments your cat is experiencing. Thus, your cat depressed wearing cone needs real affection and company throughout this difficult stay with the E-collar.
Generally, cats love being close to humans. Recent studies indicate that cats are social species and feel secure and stable when in the company of their caregivers. If this is the case, how much more would your depressed kitty need you to be there for it?
That being said, you need to spend a lot of time with your cat during this time. Give it the best of attention like:
- Grooming
- Cuddles
- Playing music for the cat
- Open the TV or laptop (consider animated videos) to grab its attention
Further to these, consider providing treats regularly for your cat. Teasing your cat with tasty treats can be a great way to reinvigorate some life.
5. Carefully Administer Medicines According to the Vet’s Prescriptions
When distributing drugs to your cat wearing a cone, ensure the correct dosage and frequency. Follow the instructions and recommendations of the veterinarian precisely and correctly.
A cat with a cone around its neck is definitely not feeling well. Wounds could worsen if you don’t provide meds or drugs such as painkillers or antibiotics.
You can mix the meds with a small amount of food and give it. Avoid mixing meds with much food, as the cat may need more time to finish its meal.
The less pain the cat feels, the faster the healing process and the easier it adapts to the new environment of a cone.
You also want to give the cat anti-itching medications. These effectively reduce your pet’s urge always to want to scratch the stitches or wounds – hence the distress in a cone.
6. Find Your Cat a Sitter When You’re Away
At some point, you’re going to be away from home. You’ve probably gone to work and don’t want your feline companion to remain home alone in a fragile state.
Contact a reputable cat sitter to watch over and care for your cat. These should be professionals in all matters of cats. They should be able to administer medicines and provide the support a cat needs.
General knowledge among many cat experts indicates that a cat needs about half an hour of playtime and attention to make it happy. So, if you can maintain this time in a day – whether present or away – your cat’s healing and recovery could be quicker.
Some cat owners get tempted to leave their cats alone in the house for several hours. This is not a good practice – although leaving behind some soothing music or a catchy fish/cat video on TV or solo toys can sometimes help.
Mikel Delgado, a cat expert, while talking to Inverse, discourages the habit of leaving cats lonely for an extended period. He says, “You should not leave your cat alone for a prolonged period. Cats also have emotional and social needs that can’t be met when left alone for extended periods”.
7. Consider Using Alternatives to the Cone (Like a Onesie)
For some reason, other cats depressed wearing cone may not handle the change that comes with having one around their necks. They may become extremely restless, fearful, and completely bored.
If you are one cat owner with such a cat, there are no two ways about this state except to find a suitable alternative. You don’t want to worsen your cat’s health status by subjecting it to something that doesn’t work for it. Thankfully, there are some solutions you can apply to help out.
Inflatable Collars:
Inflatable donut collars for cats after surgery are good aids for the healing and recovery of your pet. They are padded for extra comfort and don’t obstruct your cat’s vision.
Cats can easily eat and drink while in inflatable collars. They can also move about without many limitations – yet, these collars provide excellent protection for wounds.
Many cat owners approve of onesies for cats that have undergone surgery. A onesie generally covers most areas of a cat’s body. It’s a bodysuit running from the neck (some from the head) to the hindquarters.
Made from soft, cozy fabrics, onesies are very comfortable for your cat. They also provide great flexibility.
Anti-itching Medication
The other method to comfort a cat depressed wearing cone features anti-itching medicines and drugs. This can reduce the itchiness your cat feels on the stitches and other incision areas.
The relief medications for allergies and irritations are countless in the pharmaceutical space. For instance, we have antihistamines, topical ointments, antibiotics, medicated shampoos, omega-3 fatty acid supplements, and more. However, seek a vet’s direction on using all medications.
Once you soothe the itchiness that comes with raw wounds and stitches, your cat will definitely feel better and happier.
Final Thoughts
Cat depressed wearing cone means it’s uncomfortable with the new attire. Therefore, it’s important to ensure your cat gets used to their cone as soon as possible by using the seven tips above. However, if your feline friend remains depressed after trying these tips, the next action is to visit a vet; the cat might be having another problem that needs immediate diagnosis.
Why does cat freaks out with cone?
Wearing a cone is a new sensation for your pet. The limited movement caused by the cone might freak out your cat. However, since it is important for their recovery, allow them time to adapt to the cone . play with your cat and offer treats to keep it happy.
Is it safe to leave a cat alone with a cone?
A cone won’t do any harm to your cat. But to ensure they do not feel alone when you are gone Contact a reputable cat sitter to watch over and care for your cat. These should be professionals in all matters of cats. They should be able to administer medicines and provide the support a cat needs.
Why is my cat depressed wearing cone?
A cat hates cones because she finds it super uncomfortable initially. Allow her to adjust to the new device until her recovery. The low mood of your cat might be due to the lack of movement. make sure the collar is not too tight and groom your cat regularly to boost its mood.
Check out this article for more tips on how to care for your cat.