Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, consume various foods, including human food. However, a human diet is generally not recommended as some human foods may contain large amounts of calories that could cause health issues. Yet, if you must supply your betta fish fish with human food, this article about ten safe human foods for betta fish will guide your decision-making.
Safe human foods for betta fish include lettuce, cucumber, blanched peas, and zucchini. But don’t feed your betta fish meat, even though they are carnivorous. In addition, never give them shallots, onions, leeks, citrus, and oily foods.
In this article, I’ll discuss safe human food for betta fish. These are the foods you can give your fish in small quantities and never worry about harming them. Keep reading!
10 Safe Human Food for Your Betta Fish
As said earlier, you can give your betta fish human food in small quantities for a healthy lifestyle. Human foods should be supplied as treats rather than the main meal. The following are some of the foods to give your betta fish.
1. Sweet Corn
Sweet corn can be cooked and offered as a treat. Cut the corn into tiny pieces before giving it to the fish. The stomach of a betta fish is as small as its eye, so offering food in large particles can harm the fish.
If provided in small quantities, sweet corn is safe and healthy. Remember the following aspects when giving your betta fish sweet corn;
- Ensure you cook it thoroughly for easier digestion
- Break the corn into small portions
- Do not add any seasonings or additives, such as salt
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Also, ensure you remove the outer shell. Feed your fish once a week or even less frequently.
2. Seafood

Generally, seafood contains important animal-based proteins that are beneficial to betta fish. So, betta fish can eat small amounts of raw shrimp and oysters. Actually, they enjoy this meal, but it should be provided in moderation.
In addition, bear in mind that you should peel and devein the shrimp before feeding it to the betta. Otherwise, the fish won’t readily digest the shells on the shrimp.
Like other human foods, offer only a small portion of shrimp. Too much can overload your fish’s stomach, leading to health issues like bloating.
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3. Boiled Egg Yolk
As you can imagine, boiled egg yolk offers an excellent protein source for bettas. Therefore, it can contribute to the protein requirements of your betta fish, including their growth, development, and overall health.
While boiled eggs supply essential proteins to your fish’s diet, they also offer betta fish keepers the opportunity to customize their fish’s diet.
Even so, boiled egg yolk should be measured in moderation. Feed your fish once a week. Also, provide it in small quantities to facilitate proper health.
When preparing the egg yolk, start by boiling the egg. After that, remove the yolk and mash it into tiny pieces that your fish can pick and swallow effortlessly.
4. Cucumber
Unlike other human foods, cucumber is a healthy and nutritious addition to a betta fish’s diet. This is because cucumber contains both vitamins and minerals essential to your fish’s immunity.
When preparing cucumber for your betta fish, peel it first to remove the tough-to-eat outer layer. You will need to slice it in thin pieces or slices – actually in bite-sized pieces for easy consumption.
What’s more, remove all seeds to avoid choking hazards. Most importantly, blanch the cucumber to soften it and increase its digestibility once the fish eats. Blanching breaks down the cell wall, which softens the cucumber.
After blanching the cucumber, ensure you cool it down to room temperature before you offer it to the fish.
5. Apple
Apples can significantly supplement your betta fish diet when given in small amounts. They are packed with fiber and vitamins essential for your betta’s health.
Prepare the apple by peeling off its skin and removing the seeds. These can be a serious choking hazard for the fish.
Apples can be offered raw. Usually, apples are cut into tiny pieces that betta can readily take in their system. Always remember to feed in moderation.
If you use apples as treats, you must experiment with your bettas to see whether they enjoy the fruit.
6. Pears

You can also include pears in your diet. Pears have similar nutritional benefits as mango and apple.
The pears you give your betta fish should be fresh and free from contaminants like pesticides.
As usual, peel off the outer covering and remove seeds. Like other fruits, you’ll need to cut them into small pieces that your betta can easily ingest.
Don’t give pears in excess, as they can affect water quality when they decompose. Also, make sure you clean the aquarium of all uneaten portions.
7. Strawberries
Strawberries are also another group of fruits that betta fish enjoy feeding on. Strawberries offer a vibrant red color that attracts the betta fish in the aquarium and motivates them to eat and play with it.
Before giving the strawberries, make sure to cut them into tiny cubes. Remember to test the strawberry pieces to determine whether your bettas will rush to it.
8. Leafy Vegetables
Leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce are great for your bettas. Nevertheless, you should prepare the vegetables well.
For example, you should blanch leafy greens, including spinach and kale. Immerse them in boiling water and cool them down before cutting them into small pieces and giving them to the fish.
Give your bettas only a small amount of these vegetables to avoid them developing any health-related problems due to excessive intake.
Once the fish finish eating the vegetables in the aquarium, clean the tank as soon as possible to avoid the decomposition of the remains.
9. Chicken
As an occasional substitute, chicken is a vital part of your betta fish’s diet. Chicken provides your bettas with protein.
Nevertheless, the natural diet of betta fish best serves them proteins. The diet includes live baits, brine shrimp, white worms, and blood worms.
Chicken for betta fish should be boiled well. But don’t add any additives during and after boiling.
Additionally, avoid giving bettas too much chicken as it could cause problems such as obesity. Too much chicken could also mean your fish ingesting more hormones and antibiotics that are usually not good for their system.
10. Mango
Mango is a fruit rich in vitamins like A, C, and E. These vitamins are key for boosting your fish’s immunity. Mango also contains sugars and fiber – although the two are not essential for your betta fish’s development.
When preparing mangoes for the fish, follow the procedure outlined for the other fruits in this guide. Peel, slice into bite-sized pieces and give the fish in moderate quantities.
Natural Diet of Betta Fish
The natural diet of betta fish includes tiny insects and crustaceans. Usually, these foods have high protein and fiber content.
They include;
- Daphnia
- Brine shrimp
- Mosquito larvae
- Copepods
- Bloodworms
- Deer fly larvae
Generally, these are small water animals, indicating the carnivorous nature of betta fish.
How to Blend Betta Fish Food With Human Food
You can blend betta fish food with human food by ensuring the betta fish primarily feeds on specially formulated betta pellets or flakes designed to meet their nutritional needs. Human food should come in the betta fish diet as treats to supplement the main diet.
This means the largest proportion of your betta fish’s diet requirements should be commercially formulated betta pellets. Then, human-safe food should only be supplied in a small proportion to the fish occasionally.
To understand how the betta fish diet routine should work, let’s discuss the special betta diet that should feature your fish daily.
1. Betta Pellets
Generally, bettas love munching betta pellets. Betta pellets are commercially prepared fish food for betta fish.
Pet food companies manufacture pellets with balanced proportions of nutrients that will support your fish’s proper growth, health, and overall well-being.
Additionally, betta pellets should be offered as a staple food for your fish. You should provide a pinch in the morning and another in the evening daily.
Don’t add too many pellets to the tank as the fish could overfeed, leading to further health problems and accumulation of toxins.
Pellets contain the following nutrients:
- Proteins: Pellets are rich in protein content necessary for accelerating betta fish growth. The ultimate protein sources used in making pellets include fish meal, shrimp meal, and other marine-based ingredients.
- Carbohydrates: Even though the betta fish are carnivores, it’s vital to infuse carbohydrates into the pellets. Usually, the pellets have plant-based carbohydrates meant to supply the necessary energy.
- Vitamins and Minerals: Pellets also feature vitamins and minerals to help increase your fish’s immunity against disease.
- Fats and Lipids: Commercial pellets have been prepared with healthy fats and lipids. This component also provides the energy the fish needs for their daily movement and development.
That said, pellets do not contain artificial additives, artificial colors, or preservatives. These may harm the fish.
2. Betta Flakes
Betta flakes specifically made for bettas contain protein but in lower proportions compared to pellets. Usually, they have about 30% or more, which is just enough for the fish. Some flakes have a lower proportion of proteins; thus, they are not appropriate for your fish.
Typically, betta flakes are packed with more plant-based ingredients and less animal-based proteins. Hence, they are not as appealing to bettas as pellets are. This means the fish will eat them less compared to pellets.
Flakes have more fillers than proteins, making them nutritionally inferior to the carnivorous bettas. Subsequently, flakes should just be provided occasionally and not as a mainstay in the diet.
3. Dried Food
For some reason, bettas love dried food. Dried food comes in a dehydrated or freeze-dried form and offers convenient and shelf-stable betta fish food that provides additional dietary options for your fish.
Similarly, dried food should be given to fish as snacks and not the main meal. This is because these foods may not have the quality of live foods.
Here are some of the dried foods that you can include in your betta fish blended diet;
- Dried bloodworms
- Dried brine shrimp
- Dried daphnia
- Dried insects
Remember to obtain dried food from reputable brands to maintain a high-quality supply for the fish.
All said, provide human-safe food, as discussed earlier in this guide, as treats or occasional supplements. That could be once a week. Don’t overfeed your betta fish human food.
Make sure to maintain their diet for proper growth. Consider getting high-quality betta food for your fish to get adequately nourished.
When blending betta fish with human food, observe how the fish react. Watch their behavior for any signs of distress. Consult a vet immediately when you notice any unusual changes.
Unsafe Human Food for Betta Fish
Unsafe human food for betta fish include:
- Chocolate: Chocolate contains excessive sugars that are unsafe for betta fish. Such sugars can cause your betta fish problems such as obesity. Even worse, chocolate has theobromine, which is not only useless for the fish but also poisonous.
- Citrus fruits: Fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes contain acids. When ingested, the citric acidity causes a pH imbalance in the aquarium, affecting the betta fish’s growth and development. pH disturbance will make your fish sick.
- Dairy products: Products like milk and cheese are difficult for betta fish to digest. Betta fish lack enzymes that can break lactose, causing digestive problems. So, avoid all dairy products, no matter what the temptation.
- Processed meat: Processed meat is usually seasoned with additives and high salt levels. These include hot dogs or deli meats. Additives can cause an imbalance in the pH level of the aquarium, inducing stress to the fish.
- Bread and baked goods: Generally, bread and other baked products may expand in your betta fish’s stomach, leading to bloating and digestion problems.
- Carrot: Don’t give your betta fish carrot as it’s high in sugar. As you can imagine, high sugars cause bloating, making your fish sick.
There are tons of human foods out there. As a responsible betta fish parent, you must consult your vet to know which ones are safe for your fish.
Avoid giving your betta fish just about any food – even if you think they will enjoy it.
Can Betta Fish Eat Cooked Rice?
Betta fish can eat cooked rice as an occasional treat or supplement. The boiled rice should be well-cooked and soft enough. Make sure to dice the rice into tiny pieces your betta fish can effortlessly take in.
Can Betta Fish Eat Bread?
Betta fish can eat bread when soaked and cut into smaller manageable pieces. However, once the bread is in the stomach, it may expand, causing your betta fish bloating issues.
Also, bread lacks the essential nutrients bettas need for proper growth, health, and coloration.
Can Betta Fish Eat Bananas?
Betta fish may eat bananas because of their curiosity to try new things. However, you should not provide them with bananas as they may have problems digesting the excessive sugars in them.
Final Thoughts
Keeping your betta fish happy and healthy starts with understanding their dietary needs. The safe human food for betta fish discussed in this guide are ideal for your betta’s health.
By offering these foods in carefully curated potions to your betta fish’s diet, you’ll be enhancing their nutritional intake.
Remember, a well-fed betta is a vibrant betta. Therefore, by prioritizing their health through the right food choices, you’ll be creating a life of splendor for your aquatic friend.