My Pitbull Dog, Pepper – Gentle Giant and Best Friend

By: Sara from Atlanta, GA

While at work one day, I had an officer bring in a female pit-bull. I actually work for a Veterinary Clinic.  She had been shot and you could tell she was not taken care of properly.

We took her in as a stray. She was able to quickly get the immediate medical attention needed and we were able to save her life. I decided to take her home with me and foster her until a family could be found.  

That was the beginning of being known as a foster failure. I took her in with the intention of finding a new home but kept her instead. 

Over the course of a few weeks, I was able to gain her trust and she started putting on weight. She was short haired and  a mixture of black and white. She looked like salt and pepper so I decided to call her Mrs. Pepper or also known as Pepper. 

Pepper was very loving and sweet. Her breed has the reputation of being aggressive but she didn’t have an aggressive bone in her body. 

Pepper quickly became my best friend. She was a surrogate mother for every animal or child she came in contact with. Rolling around on the floor with children was her favorite activity.  She loved everyone and every animal except for cows. 

She was taken to a friend’s farm for the day to run and expel some energy. However, she took off after the cows. She became aggressive and started biting at the cows in the herd. They would kick her off but she would run back after them. She kept going until they broke her back legs and she could no longer walk.

It took multiple people to load her into the truck and get her to the vet. Her legs and hips were broken in multiple spots

After many hours of surgery, Pepper had many  pins placed in both legs. It was a long road to recovery but she had me there by her side the whole time. 

It took a few months of recovery but she was up and running like nothing happened. She continued to find stray animals and children to love on for many years.  

With the extensive injuries she had on the farm, she developed debilitating arthritis and dysplasia in her hips and legs. 

Unfortunately, I had to make the decision to not allow her to suffer in pain any longer. It was the hardest day of my life but I couldn’t allow her to live in pain.

-Sara, A loving Foster Fail Mom

A Note from the Farewell Pet Care Team


Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story about Pepper. While our team was reading your story we really enjoyed getting learn about Pepper and how she seemed to be such a loving and protective dog.

Thank you for sharing your story!

If you need any additional support feel free to check out our Free eBook or connect with our team!

-Farewell Pet Care Team

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