Listening to your dachshund whining constantly and not knowing what to do can be very frustrating. Whining is a mode of vocal communication in most dogs, and when it’s continuous, it becomes worrying and aggravating. As such, you’ll start wondering, “Why is my dachshund whining?”
Your dachshund is whining because it needs attention. It can also whine to communicate its physical or emotional state, such as hunger, boredom, anxiety, pain, excitement, and loneliness. Sometimes, when you reinforce this behavior, your dachshund will whine to have its way.
Keep reading this article as I dive into why your dachshund is whining aggressively. I’ll also discuss the most appropriate ways to solve this menace and maintain a peaceful home.
Why Is My Dachshund Whining? Causes and Solutions
Before we go into details of why your dachshund is whining, the table below is a quick overview of the causes and their solutions:
Reason for Whining | What to Do |
Hunger, thirst | Develop a regular feeding plan. |
Attention | Teach better strategies for getting attention. |
Excitement | Display calm energy around them and reward them for being quiet. |
Stress | Eliminate the trigger. Train your dog to tolerate the situation. Provide a safe space. |
Loneliness | Keep them engaged while away. Leave them with an attendant. Train them to endure being alone. |
Boredom | Provide mental stimulation. |
Fear | Desensitization and counter-conditioning. |
Apology | Acknowledge the apology and reward for the positive behavior. |
Pain | Consult a veterinary doctor. |
With that overview, here are the reasons why your dachshund is whining and what to do:
1. It Wants Its Physical Needs to Be Met

The most common explanation for your dachshund whining is that they need their primary needs met.
When was the last time they had a meal? Are they thirsty? Do they need a potty break? Or is it time for some physical exercise?
What to Do
Since dogs are creatures of habit, it’s best to devise a regular feeding schedule for your canine friend to prevent whining episodes due to hunger. Re-fill their water bowls frequently and make their potty area accessible throughout.
Typically, your dog will stop whining and return to what they were doing when these needs are met.
However, if they continue whining for more food even after you’ve fed them enough, it becomes a problem that needs correction. Avoid adding more food or feeding them table scraps in response to their whining, as this will only encourage the behavior.
And if your furry companion is whining for another potty break immediately after they just had one, they may be experiencing bladder or digestive issues. Consider taking them to the vet to be checked out.
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2. It’s Seeking Your Attention
Like young children, dogs act out when they feel ignored or neglected. Dachshunds, in particular, are super friendly and have strong attachments with their owners. Thus, they may constantly seek human attention, even without legitimate reasons.
Dachshunds are inclined to whine, bark, howl, or cry to obtain attention, rewards, or desired objects.
What to Do
As much as responding to these attention-seeking whines is normal, it’s crucial to establish whether or not it’s worth giving your dog attention. This is because you need to reinforce only good behaviors in them.
You can attend to them if they’re whining because they’re thirsty and need water. But if they want to cuddle while you’re busy with a chore, don’t encourage the behavior.
It’s essential to teach your dog not to seek attention by whining. They need to learn that staying calm and quiet is a better strategy. To achieve this, ignore them when they cry for attention.
Note that speaking to your dog, maintaining eye contact, petting, or even yelling at them constitute attention. It would be best to use dramatic gestures such as turning away to communicate that their attention-seeking whines won’t work.
Also, consider rewarding your dog for being quiet to reinforce the behavior. This action will help them learn that silence works better to get your attention, and they’ll eventually feel demotivated to whine.
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3. It’s Overly Excited
Does your sausage dog whine right after you return from work? When greeting guests? Or meeting other dogs at the park? Perhaps they’re just overly excited.
Dachshunds are easily excitable animals. They can go from calm to hysterical in a split second. And while whining isn’t something you can instinctively do to show excitement, it’s normal for them. This whining is usually accompanied by the following:
- Tail wagging
- Jumping up and down
- Running around
What to Do
It would be best to exhibit calm energy around your dachshund to prevent them from becoming hyperactive during greetings. This is because dogs often feed off our energy and display behavior.
So, consider moving slowly and calmly, and avoid talking loudly and excitedly. You can also play down the greetings by keeping them brief.
Wait until they’re calm to pet, reward, or interact with them to make them associate calmness with reward.
Alternatively, you can teach them a desired behavior, say, nose targeting or sitting when greeting you or guests.
4. Your Dachshund Is Stressed

Whining can be your doxie’s way of telling you that they’re frustrated about something.
Stress in dogs can be due to a wide range of reasons. It can be anything from you returning late, a change in the environment, or a new house guest.
If your dachshund underwent a horrific experience in the past, they’re likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You might anticipate them to whine if they experience a flashback or a recurrence of the unpleasant event.
Besides whining, you should also check for the following indicators to establish stress in your dog:
- Trembling
- Pacing
- Shedding
- Yawning, licking, and drooling
- Rapid blinking
- Whale eyes
- Panting
- Tucked tail
In some instances, your dog can exhibit avoidance behavior. They may turn away, sniff the ground, hide behind you, or even engage in activities such as digging to avoid interaction.
Note that your dachshund will only display some of these signs concurrently, not all.
What to Do
Whining due to stress can be easier to eliminate if the stimulus is removed. Take your dog out of the stressful environment to a quiet place to recollect. Calm down and reassure them but avoid being overly comforting.
If you can’t eliminate the stimulus, consider training your pet to tolerate it better. Your goal should be to get them to associate the trigger with a positive reward rather than trauma. At the same time, you should limit your dog’s exposure to the things that cause these stressful episodes.
Physical exercise can also be a great stress reducer. Consider walking your dog daily or playing fetch to help release tension.
You can also provide them with a safe spot in the house to retreat when they need to escape a stressful situation.
And if the stressful episodes persist, visit your veterinarian to rule out any medical causes. They may send you to a veterinary behaviorist to check for stress-related issues or even prescribe anti-anxiety medication.
5. It’s Feeling Lonely
As mentioned, dachshunds are social animals and can be super attached to their owners. They don’t like being left alone for extended periods. Whining can be extreme when they can’t handle separation, and that time comes!
When this happens too often, your dog will likely develop full-blown separation anxiety. This condition can make them whine even if you go to the bathroom without them.
Other indicators of separation anxiety in dogs include:
- Constant whining and jumping to be touched and cuddled
- Anxious whining right before you leave the house
- Being overly excited when you return
- Engaging in destructive activities while you are away
You might also experience nighttime whining if you have a puppy that has been separated from its mother. This whining happens because puppies usually need reassurance and comfort from their mothers at night. They may also often whine about being let out to relieve themselves.
Nighttime whining can last weeks until they get used to their new environment.
What to Do
It would help if you teach your dog from when it’s a puppy that it’s okay to be left alone. You can start by exposing them to short periods of absence, say, five minutes until they stop whining then you can increase the period.
Don’t make your departure or return a big deal. Be subtle. Avoid goodbye cuddles and kisses, as well as fussing.
Also, consider keeping your dachshund busy. You can leave them something to chew or play with during your absence to reduce the whining.
And if possible, try not to leave your dachshund alone for too long if they can’t stand it. If you must be away, consider leaving them with someone who can attend to them.
To help reduce nighttime whining, move the puppy crate to your room so you’ll be their source of comfort. This way, they can hear and smell you near them, keeping them calm throughout the night.
Alternatively, use a comforter. This can be a rug from the breeder with the scent of the puppy’s mother to help them feel safe as they rest. Or you can purchase a soft toy, such as a stuffed animal, for your puppy to snuggle with at night.
Lastly, establish a proper nighttime routine. Ensure your puppy’s last meal or drink is before a particular time, say, 7 pm, and at least three different potty breaks. A routine will ensure they have enough time to clear their bladder before retiring.
6. Your Dog Is Bored

Sometimes your canine friend whines because they are bored of lying around and need mental stimulation. Dachshunds, in particular, are very playful animals. Despite their miniature size, they are working dogs. They were initially bred to hunt. So, they love being challenged.
These sausage-like pooches need their minds worked regardless of how much physical exercise they get. Otherwise, they’ll get bored and frustrated, randomly and excessively whining all day. Whining is one of their ways of communicating their need for entertainment or something to do.
You can also tell boredom in your dog when they:
- Exhibit little enthusiasm for their favorite toys or games
- Show destructive behaviors like chewing shoes, digging, or getting into the trash
- Excessively lick, pace, or pant without any physical exertion
What to Do
Keep your dachshund healthy, happy, and entertained by providing a good blend of physical and mental exercises. Daily training sessions, interactive games, and socializing with other canines at the park will help with mental stimulation.
Often come up with new tricks to teach them. Also, you can provide them with new toys from time to time. Try to have only some of the toys available to them. You can put a few away and occasionally rotate to keep your doxie from getting bored.
7. Your Dog Is Fearful
Perhaps your dachshund is whining because they’re naturally fearful. Fear may be caused by not being adequately socialized early in life.
You should know that dogs are very impressionable creatures. Therefore, we must teach and socialize them when they are young. Failure to do this can result in a life full of fear and aggression.
Some of the everyday things that can frighten your doxie include:
- Nail trims
- Loud noises such as fireworks
- Children
- Large crowds
- Descending the stairs
- Riding in cars, etc.
What to Do
Desensitization and counter-conditioning are the most effective methods of managing fear in your dog. Desensitization involves repeated and controlled exposure of your dog to a situation that triggers a fearful response. It is done at low intensity until the dog gets used to it.
For instance, if your dachshund fears fireworks, you can begin by playing them sound recordings of fireworks at low volume and gradually working up to loud as they get used to it.
Conversely, counter-conditioning involves training your dog to change its perception of a fearful situation by teaching them positive behavior.
For instance, you can train your dog to stay calm while trimming their nails and reward them when they do it. This way, they’ll associate trimming nails with a reward, hence, overcoming the fear.
8. It’s Apologizing
If your dachshund has proper obedience training, they know how to submit and respect you as the authority. And when they misbehave, they’ll get into your personal space, look at you sadly, lick you, or rub their body against you and whine to show remorse.
These are submissive traits. A way of saying, “Sorry, you’re the boss.”
What to Do
If your doxie expresses remorse by whining, accept the apology and move on. You can show acknowledgment by speaking affectionately, patting, and rubbing their ears. This is an excellent way to encourage the behavior of apologizing to them.
9. It’s Experiencing Pain
If you have ruled out all these behavioral causes of dog whining, your dachshund might be whining because of an underlying health issue. Maybe they’re in chronic pain.
Due to their unique body structure, dachshunds are highly predisposed to joint, hip, and back issues.
Do they whine when you try to pick them up or move them? Are they reluctant to eat, play, go for a walk, climb, or go down the stairs? When was the last time they had a dental check-up? How old is your doxie? Maybe they’re experiencing age-related conditions such as canine dementia.
What to Do
If you can’t ascertain the reason behind your dog’s whining or suspect a possible health issue, the next immediate step should be to consult a veterinarian. They’re best suited to figure out the problem.
Final Thoughts
The question, “Why is my dachshund whining?” is common among dachshund owners.
As you’ve noted from this article, there are numerous possibilities for your dachshund’s whining. It’s, therefore, crucial to notice the behavioral patterns and accompanying body language. This way, you’ll know the root cause of the habit and be able to correct it to save yourself the annoyance of extreme whining.