Sunny – My Story of Our Free Spirit Parakeet

By: Brenda from South Carolina, USA

Losing a pet is really sad, especially when it’s a bird like Sunny. Today, I’m feeling really sad because I have to say goodbye to Sunny, my bird friend. Sunny was like family to me, always making me happy with his chirping and playing.

I got Sunny on a sunny day, and from the start, I knew he was special. We did everything together, and Sunny always made me laugh with his funny moves and sounds.

But now, Sunny isn’t here anymore, and it hurts a lot. Everything feels quiet without him. I miss hearing his wings flutter and his little soft sounds. I miss feeling him close to me, keeping me company.

Even though I’m sad, I’m also thankful for all the good times we had together. Sunny will always be in my heart, even if he is not here with me. I’ll remember him by planting flowers and lighting a candle for him.

Even though Sunny is gone, I know his spirit will always be free and happy. I’ll miss him a lot, but I’m grateful for the love he gave me.

So here’s to you, Sunny, my bird friend. I’ll never forget you, and I’ll always love you.

Rest in peace, Sunny. You’ll always be in my heart.

With love,
Your Bird Mom, Brenda

A Note from the Farewell Pet Care Team


Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. This was one of our first stories and it means a ton to us that you were willing to share it. We are hoping you an easy transition during this season. 

If you need any additional support feel free to check out our article about cremated ashes

-Farewell Pet Care Team

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